Pakistan Again Under Attack of Terrorism: Enigma of Pakistan



Pakistan Again Under Attack of Terrorism


Terrorism in Pakistan has been a major issue for many years. Now a days Pakistan is again under attack of terrorism. Despite the government's efforts to combat it, terrorist attacks continue to occur regularly in the country. The situation has improved slightly in recent years, but the threat of terrorism remains high.

Terrorists Groups:

The main terrorist groups operating in Pakistan are the Taliban, al-Qaida, and various separatist movements. These groups have carried out numerous attacks on civilians, government officials, and security forces. They have also targeted religious minorities and other vulnerable groups.

  1. The Talban:

The Taliban, which is based in Afghanistan, has been responsible for many of the terrorist attacks in Pakistan. The group has a strong presence in the border regions between the two countries, and it has been able to carry out attacks in major cities such as Karachi and Lahore. The Taliban's main goal is to overthrow the government and establish an Islamic state in Pakistan.

    2.  Al-Qaida:

Al-Qaida, which is based in the Middle East, also has a presence in Pakistan. The group has been responsible for several high-profile attacks in the country, including the 2008 bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad and the 2014 attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar. Al-Qaida's main goal is to establish a global Islamic state.

Pakistan Again Under Attack of Terrorism

   3. Separatist Movements:

There are also various separatist movements operating in Pakistan, particularly in the province of Balochistan. These groups are fighting for greater autonomy or independence from the government. They have carried out bombings, kidnappings, and other attacks on government officials and security forces.

 Steps taken by Government:

The government has taken several steps to combat terrorism in the country. It has launched several military operations against terrorist groups, particularly in the border regions with Afghanistan. It has also implemented various counter-terrorism measures, such as increased surveillance and stricter laws.

However, despite these efforts, the threat of terrorism remains high. Many experts believe that the root causes of terrorism in Pakistan, such as poverty, lack of education, and political instability, have not been addressed adequately. Additionally, the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan has allowed terrorist groups to operate relatively freely in the border regions.

Author' View:

My view on this issue is that, the Pakistan is again under attack of terrorism, which is major enigma of Pakistan. The situation of terrorism in Pakistan is still not fully under control and a lot of work is yet to be done. The government needs to address the root causes of terrorism and improve the living conditions of the people, especially in the remote areas, to bring an end to this menace.


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