Is Pakistan under Fascism??: Current Political Situation: Turmoil in Pakistan


Is Pakistan under Fascism


Fascism is a political ideology that emerged in Europe in the early 20th century, and it is characterized by a number of key features, including extreme nationalism, authoritarianism, and often racist beliefs. At its core, fascism is a form of totalitarianism, in which the state holds total control over all aspects of society, including the economy, education, and media. In this blog we will discuss that in these days, is pakistan under Fascism and what are the reasons of political turmoil in Pakistan.

Origin of Fascism:

The origins of fascism can be traced back to the aftermath of World War I, when many European countries were facing political and economic turmoil. In Italy, Benito Mussolini and his National Fascist Party rose to power in the 1920s, and he went on to establish a fascist dictatorship in the country. Mussolini's regime is often seen as a model for fascist regimes that followed, and his ideas and tactics were influential in the rise of fascism in other countries.

Key Features of Fascism:

Here are some key features of fascism:


A key feature of fascism is its emphasis on authoritarianism. Fascists believe in the absolute power of the government, and they view the government as the only legitimate authority. They believe that the government should have complete control over all aspects of society, including the economy, education, and media. This often results in the suppression of individual rights and freedoms in the name of national unity and strength.

                         2.Racist and xenophobic beliefs:

Fascism is also often associated with racist and xenophobic beliefs. Fascists often view certain groups of people as inferior or even subhuman, and they may advocate for their persecution or extermination. This was particularly true in the case of Jews, who were targeted by fascist regimes throughout Europe during the Holocaust.

                          3. Well-known examples:

One of the most well-known examples of fascism is the regime of Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP). The Nazi regime implemented policies of extreme nationalism, authoritarianism, and racism, ultimately leading to the persecution and murder of millions of Jews and other minority groups during the Holocaust.

Fascism has also been present in other countries throughout the world, such as Spain under General Francisco Franco and Argentina under Juan Peron.

Is Pakistan under Fascism

Fascism and Pakistan:

Pakistan in recent days has faced the worst forms of fascism. Political victimization of opposite political leadership and journalists has remained the main focus of Pakistan Government in last nine months. During last years in the month of May the peaceful long march of opposition part PTI faced lethal treatment by the law enforcing agencies in shape of heavy shelling of tear gas and stick charge. As a result more than three persons were killed and hundreds sustained serious injuries. Police raided on the houses of hundreds of members of PTI while scaling over the walls and arrested them.

Targeting Political Leadership:

The leadership of opposition party PTI was also targeted. Opposition leader, Chairman of PTI and former Prime Minister Imran Khan was attacked and he sustained three bullet injuries. He accused the  top government functionaries as responsible for attack on him. He remained failed even to register a criminal in this regard. On the other hand his three party leaders like Dr. Shahbaz Gill, staff officer of Imran Khan, Senator Azam Swati, a senior parliamentarian, and Ch. Fawad Ahmad, ex-federal minister, were arrested and humiliated on the charges of sedition. 

Is Pakistan under Fascism
               This Photo is downloaded from Imran-Khan-JIT-halts-investigation-process-over-heads-co


Journalists having different opinion than that of government were also targeted.  A mainstream journalist of electronic media Arshad Sharif was murdered in Kenya during last years. Some other journalists either were arrested and humiliated or arrested or they escaped to the other countries. Social media activists were also arrested by Federal Investigation Agency for their anti-government posts and views. 

Use of tactics such as propaganda and manipulation:

Despite the atrocities committed by fascist regimes in the past, some people and groups continue to advocate for fascist ideologies today. These groups often use tactics such as propaganda and manipulation to gain support and power, and it is crucial for society to remain vigilant against the rise of fascist ideologies and movements.

Destructive Ideology:

Fascism is a dangerous and destructive ideology that has caused immense suffering in the past. It is characterized by extreme nationalism, authoritarianism, and often racist beliefs, and it is associated with totalitarianism and the suppression of individual rights and freedoms. It is crucial for society to remain vigilant against the resurgence of fascist ideologies and movements, and to work towards promoting and protecting democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

Author' Opinion:

In my opinion, Fascism is a political ideology that emphasizes extreme nationalism, authoritarian, and often racist beliefs. It is characterized by a strong central government that exercises complete control over all aspects of society, including the economy, education, and media. Fascism emerged in Europe in the early 20th century and has caused immense suffering in the past. Now a days Pakistan is the best example. It is important for society to remain vigilant against the resurgence of fascist ideologies and movements.


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