Censorship of the media in Pakistan: Recent Situation of Freedom of Press



Censorship of the media in Pakistan


Censorship of the media in Pakistan has been a persistent problem in recent times, despite the country's constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and expression. The government, military, and intelligence agencies have been known to exert pressure on media outlets and journalists to toe the official line, and this has led to a climate of self-censorship and a lack of critical reporting on important issues. We will try do critical analysis of freedom of press in Pakistan.

Pressures on Media:

(1). One of the main reasons for censorship of the media in Pakistan is the presence of powerful military and intelligence agencies, which have long been known to exert pressure on the media to report in ways that align with their interests. This can take many forms, including censorship, intimidation, and even physical violence against journalists who dare to report on sensitive issues such as corruption, human rights abuses, or the activities of the military and intelligence agencies themselves.

(2). Another major reason for censorship of the media in Pakistan is the influence of powerful businessinterests, which can use their financial power to control or influence media outlets and journalists. This can lead to self-censorship and a lack of critical reporting on issues of public interest, such as corruption and human rights abuses.

(3). The censorship of media in Pakistan is not just limited to traditional forms of media such as newspapers, television, and radio. The government and powerful private actors also try to control and restrict the flow of information on the internet, social media and digital platforms. This is done by creating and implementing laws and regulations that restrict access to certain websites and platforms or creating bots that flood social media with disinformation and propaganda.

Censorship of the media in Pakistan

Punishment for Speech:

The government has also been known to use the legal system to silence critical voices. In recent times, several journalists and bloggers have been arrested and charged under various laws including Anti-Terrorism Act and the Electronic Crimes Act, for speaking out against the government or military.

During last years, the nation saw the worst form of suppression and restrictions on media in Pakistan. Many Journalists were given the "Punishment for Speech". Vibrant journalist Arshad Sharif was murdered in very brutal manner after he was forced to leave Pakistan. He remained running to save his life from one country to other, but of no use. Imran Riaz Khan was put behind the bars. About 40 criminal cases were registered against him on the instigation of government. Old aged Ayaz Mir was brutally tortured by “unknown” persons. Another old aged journalist Ch. Ghulam Hussain was arrested by Federal Investigation Agency. Young Jameel Farooqi was arrested and humiliated.

Some of the Journalists having anti-government narrative like Sabir Shakar, Dr. Mooed Pirzada and Waqar Maik were forced to leave Pakistan to avoid the arrest on the hands of government to save their lives. Media outlets were forced to expel the journalists, who toe the anti-government narrative.

The situation of freedom of press has also been exacerbated by the rise of extremist groups, who are known to target and attack journalists who report on their activities. This has created a climate of fear and intimidation, which has led to self-censorship among journalists and has made it difficult for them to report on important issues.

Recent Developments:

Despite these challenges, there are also many positive developments taking place with regard to press freedom in Pakistan. The country has a vibrant and diverse media landscape, with a wide range of newspapers, television stations, and online news outlets. There is also a growing community of independent journalists and media organizations, who are working to promote freedom of expression and defend the rights of journalists and media outlets.

Another important development is the increasing use of new technologies, such as social media and mobile phones, which are allowing more and more citizens to access information and express their opinions freely, despite government restrictions and censorship.

Author' View:

In my view, censorship of the media in Pakistan is a persistent problem in recent times. The government,military, and intelligence agencies exert pressure on media outlets and journalists to toe the official line, and this has led to a climate of self-censorship and a lack of critical reporting on important issues. However, despite these challenges, there are also many positive developments taking place, such as the growth of independent media and the increasing use of new technologies, which are helping to promote freedom of expression and information access. It is important for the government, military and intelligence agencies to respect and protect freedom of press, as it is a cornerstone of any democratic society.


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